Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets

It's difficult to say that Tesla targets any market, since they do no advertising and don't try to stick themselves in anyone's faces while they are scrolling down the facebook news feed. Not yet in any case. But when they have done is position themselves in the eyes of the consumer market as the best bet in electric vehicles for the long run as well as a legitimate competitor in the major industry of luxury car manufacturers. Although it's not just their price point that enables this positioning, it's not exactly due to any direct marketing efforts. The cumulative efforts in R&D, legal renovation and national infrastructure efforts seem to be noticed by the public at large in the form of buzz, that drives any idealist with a deep pocket to invest in this companies future. If we were to segment the market for Tesla consumers however, it seems Americas top 1 percent, and Europeans, specifically Norway, are very happy with their products.

And although Tesla is positioned as a high-priced luxury instant classic, as mentioned previously, that is bound to change by 2017 when the affordable model is unveiled. By then, if loyalty trends persist and promises keep getting met, they may just overcome a great deal of competitors by a landslide.

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